Culture Blog

What is a Glass Downstem? Almost all Water Pipes need a downstem in order for the pipe to function properly. The downstem is the piece that runs for the Water Pipes Joint into the base of your piece. Downstems come...
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The Times are Changing and so is the way we buy our smoking accessories. Times have changed and so has the smoking industry. We all know when we are looking for a hand pipe, bong, dab rig or any other...
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The new quartz hybrid nail from highly educated is in. Here's an article that Highly Educated posted that will explain all about titanium and quartz. A definite must read!!! The rumors I’ve been spreading are true. Highly Educated has...
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Smoke City is proud and excited to launch our online store. We will be adding products every day so bare with us as we create the best online shopping experience for all your glass needs!!!!
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